Shameful instance of allegedly strips on the name of punishment in a reputed school of Uttarakhand


A woman teacher from Uttarakhand’s JP International Public School was booked after parents of two students complained to the police that their daughters were allegedly stripped by the teacher. After the incident, a case under section 509 of the IPC was registered by the police.


The local police said that after scoring poor marks in an exam of English subject, the accused teacher decided to humiliate those girls in the classroom. The teacher allegedly took off their shirts in front of the entire class as punishment in an extreme step of public shaming of the girls.

Manikant Mishra, Superintendent of police said that parents of both girls alleged that the teacher first reprimanded their daughters and then took off their shirts in front of the entire class as they had performed poorly in an English test . When the girls reported the incident to their parents, they went to the school and protested against the teacher. On the other hand, parent of one of the students said that we demand strict action against the school administration for not installing CCTVs in classes and not terminating the teacher for her behaviour.

However, the Principal of JP Inter College, Amita Rathore has refused the allegations of the victim girls terming their charges as baseless and said that nothing such happened in the school. She also added that their allegations are just a conspiracy to defame the image of the school, as per the media report.


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